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Breast Reduction

Breast size may increase a lot after excessive weight gain or childbirth, breast reduction surgery is performed to correct this. With the enlarging breast, the nipples also go down, that is, sagging occurs. Excessive growth of breast volume causes some complaints in patients. These include spine and posture disorders, shoulder collapse, eczema fungal infections under the breasts.

In addition, the patient cannot wear tight clothes and may be uncomfortable in appearance. Breast reduction surgery is performed by cutting the breast tissue and removing the excess. In other words, breast tissue and milk ducts have to be cut. For this reason, breastfeeding may be a problem after breast reduction surgery. However, in American statistics, breast cancer rates were found to be lower in patients who underwent breast reduction surgery. The reason for this is that the tissues that may become cancerous in the future are removed by reduction.

One of the most important risks of breast reduction surgery is nipple necrosis. This possibility exists in every surgery, for this the handle dimensions of the nipple are important. With the breast tissue removed in breast reduction surgery, the patient inevitably loses blood. Therefore, preoperative blood values should not be low. In case of excessively large breast reduction surgery, blood transfusion may be required if the blood values are too low.

If the patient to be treated for breast reduction is 40 years or older or in a risky group in the family history, mammography is performed before the operation, and breast ultrasound is performed for all other patients. The masses removed during surgery are taken into pathological examination.

A sports bra is put on the next day after the surgery and this is continued for one month. Stitches are removed in 15-20 days.

Prof. Dr. Asuman Sevin

0 532 464 3327

1071 Ankara Plaza, Kızılırmak mah. 1443 ave. No: 25, B Block Flat: 91 Floor: 12 Çukurambar, Çankaya, Ankara

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